Smocking [], _], []0 [] arid []
S_r the Machtno

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A: Zigzag foo_ F::Sat_n s_tt_h
The Stitches and Their Uses
Smocking isa delicate decorative treatment
for children's clothes or women's blouses,
Stepl (Ito6} Slep fl(7 tOB)

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Here's How
%Choose asort, lightwmght ]abrtc such as batiste, gingham or chatlis,
2- Cut the inbr=e three times the fimshed width.
3, Set the stitch length control b_tton at "4.5" and sew rows el slratght
gathering stitches 3/8" apart across the area to be smocked,
NOTE: Loosen the need!e thread tensfon to make gathenng easter.
4, Knot the threads along the edge,
5. Pull the bobbin threads and distribute the gathers evenly.
6. Secure the threads at the other end.
7. Sew thedecorative stitches o} your chotce between the gaT;h_rlng shtches.
8. PoI_ out the gather|ng stitches.
Helplul Hint
These stitches can be used in combination w_lh others ior any decorative effect
you desire.