Prepare Your Top Thread (Continued)

oAdjust th_ Top Thread Tens+on |Continued|
in the Correct zigzag _titch+ t!_e bobbin threads wilt not show on the top side
of t_bric and the top threads wil! sinew slightly on the bottom side. S_e
below tot tile co_rect _ppoa_aoce, To match this appearanct_, adiust veer top
Top tension
Too Tight
+otter++3_id_ O_ Fabric
Too Tight:
Co,toe++ot e_ch z_,9;zag w+i+
pui+ tO,+the++t_t_ +hi top
_+d_ Of t_br+_S,
EI_ttom sid_Of F+_r+_
TOo LO_f,P-:
Th_ _Op thre;_d wi_| l{_¢xp
thfotJgh bottom s_d_ O_
t_br_¢ _ff wi}l be p_sll_d
Jtj_t Ri_ht
To_ re+de ofFobr+c
_o++om mid+_f Fab+'+c