i | III |
Please refer to assembly steps 3 and 7 on peges 4 and 5 of the USER'S MANUAl.
_ mmembly steps $ and 7 with Ule steps ehown below.
IMPORTAN_Beforeas._bling the 1/2" DomeCaps(29),be suremat al! pa_
are positioned _ Mtown inthe dnwvingL The Dome Caps oanbe used only once; if they nmst be removed, it will be necessary to order new Oome Csps.
3. Tap a 1/2" Dome Cap (,_) onto one
endofthe6` Pk_t Rod('21)Insert.
the end of me Rvot Rod _to the inclicetedhole in the Frame (6).
Make sure there are two 1/2" Pivot
Bushings(20)in the_KScated
bracket on the Pedal Frame (7). Hold the Pedal Frame so the bracket Is between the holes in the Frarne (6). Insert the 6" Pivot Rod (21) through
the I_)t. | Ho_ a 1PZ's_w;er |
| |
_twe_ | the bmd_t | and U_e Frame. |
Insertthe Pivot Rod Ihroughthe |
| ||
spacer and 1heFrame. Tap a 1/2" |
| ||
Dome Cap (2S) ontothe end of the |
| ||
Pivot Rod. |
| |
Note: The part number of the 1/2' |
| ||
spacer is 109374. |
| |
7. Before using the CARDIO FORCE, |
| ||
checktheReedS_tch (lS) andthe |
| ||
Magnet(18)nearU_edghtPed_ |
| ||
(12). Pk'otthePedaZFrame(7) unb_ |
| ||
the Magnet is aligned with 1he Reed |
| ||
Switch (see the inset drawing). |
| ||
Loosen the indicated#8 x 3/4" |
| ||
Screw(27). j_ | mepos_)no t_ |
| |
Reed Switch so that there is a 1R" |
| ||
gap between the Magnet _d the |
| ||
Switch. R_ghten the Screw. |
| ||
Make surethatall partsof the CAR- | \ 1! | ||
010 FORCE are properlytightened. |
Part No. 127795 R1095B O 1995 Seam, Roebuck and Co.