another free manual from

important battery care

Proper attent ion to t he battery is of utmost im· portance.

The following points are recorded to help remind you to provide attention to the battery and gain full advantage of the usable life built into the battery and avoid costly replacement.

1.Check solution level in battery at least once each week. Add distilled water when required. Correct level is bottom of tubes in cells, refer to page 4. After adding water, run the engine so that the generator charge will mix the solution.

DO NOT OVERFILL. Acid spilled from the battery wi II corrode choke control and throttle control casing and wire, Tractor paint, etc.

2.Keep the battery clean and dry at all times. Remove any collection of grease, corrosion or other substance from the battery.

3.Keep battery snug in its holder.

4.Keep vent caps tight and small vent holes in caps open.

5.If battery should become discharged or falls below a specific gravity of 1.225, remove battery and have it recharged.

6.When recharging, request service station to SLOW CHARGE the battery at a rate of 3 amperes.


winter care--battery

1.If Tractor is not used regularly during winter

months, the battery should be removed and stored in a cool, dry place above 50 0 F.

2.Battery should not be placed directly on cement as this will drain the battery.

3.If Tractor is used only infrequently during winter months, check battery at least once each thirty days to be sure a full charge is maintained.

4.A battery not fully charged can freeze, resulting in the necessity to replace.

5.A safe rule is to charge the battery monthly or at least test and recharge if below 1.225 specific gravity.

6.Recharge to bring the specific gravity to normal before replac ing it in the Tractor after storage.

Please remember the necess ity of proper winter care for the battery. Batteries not in use for several months and not kept fully charged, produce a sui· phation of the plates which cannot be removed by recharging.

Important-V Belt Care

1.To prolong the life of your tractor's drive belts, the tractor and attachment clutches should be en' gaged with the engine throttle lever placed at a- bout 1/3 thrott Ie.

2.After the clutches are engaged, the engine throt· tie lever should be moved upwards to the "Fast" position for most efficient tractor operation.

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storage instructions

In the event your Tractor is to be inoperative for periods in excess of 30 days. prepare for storage as outlined in the next column.

1.Drain fuel tank and carburetor by allowing the engine to run out of g<lsoline. Gasoline left in your engine will leave gum deposits and con- densation in the carburetor and fuel tank. This makes fuel system inoperative and will result in hard or non-storting of the engine.

2.Lubricate cylinder by removing the spark plug. pour one ounce of clean lubricating oil through the spark plug hole into the cylinder. Crank the eng ine slowly to spread oil and reploce the spark plug.

3.Clean the engine and Tractor:>f all foreign matter.

4.Do not save or store gasoline over winter.



1.Just as your automobile needs professional mechooical maintenance from time to time, so

does your air cooled engine. Cleaning and ad iustment of the carburetor and periodic replacement of the spark plug and ignition points is made necessary by NORMAL use.

2.Professional air cooled engine service is as close as your nearest Sears Store.

3.A yearly check-up or tune-up by Sears is a good idea to avoid breakdowns or delays.

Sears, Roebuck and Co. or Simpsons-Sears Ltd. in Canada reserves the right to make any changes in design or improvements without imposing any ob· ligation to install the same upon its items heretofore manufactured.