Nr Tank | Modifications to the air compressorcan cause |
| the air tank to rupture or explode, |
Changingthe air tank will cause It to weaken.
The tank may rupture or exp!ode_
Compassed Air' Cornpr_'_edsir can propeldust,dirt. or loose partio[esit comes in contactwith,
Do not adjust, remove or tamper with the safety valve orpressureswitch. Ifsafety valveor pressure switch r_e=emen_ ;s necessary,a part with the same rating must be used
Never use amot0r withahlgher horsepower rating than the one supplied.
Never replacetheair lan_ with a differentmo0el or a large_tank,
N_er ddlt{n_o,weld, or in any way modily the air tank,
N_werpolntany nozzfeor sprayertoward a person or any part of the body,,
Always wearsafety gogglesOrglasseswhen using the air compressor,
AF,,_ys turn the air compressoroff
Too much air pressure applied to air tools or Che_k the m.anufactuter'sm_(mum pressurerat- accessories cart cause damage or risk Of ing for air tools 9.nd accessories.Rsguta_r outlet
bursting.pressure must never exceed the maximum _¢es- sure rating.
Eie ty
Your air compressorIs powered by electricity. Like any othereleGtdcaJlypDwereddevice, ifitis not used properlyIt maycause electdeaJshock
I!iS_rmal for€ompressedalr_containtoxicor
irritating vapors.8uoh vapor's are harmful if inhaled.
Certain materials you are spraying (like pairrl, weed kiUe( sand or insecticide)may beharmful
If you Inhalethem,
The solvents!,t,1 - Trich!omethaneand M'elhy-
lena Chloride Canchemlc_.tly react with alumi-
num u_edin paintspray g_Jr_,paintpumps,etc.., and cause an explosion These solvents can
also react with galvani=od components and cause corrosionand weakening of paris. This does _lotaffect yourair compressor_but it may affect the equipmentbeing u_d,
Always unplug t!le air compressor prior1omalrtte- nonce ot repair,
Never use the air compressoroutdoors when it is r_ning.
Always I_Ug the cord intoan ale€tricotcutter with the specified voltage and adequate fuse p_teetfon,
Never dlrectyInhale _hecompressedair produced by this unit.
Read and follow the safety Instructions provided on the i_bel or safety data sheet for the matetla[ you arespraying.Use a respiratorma_k ilthere tsa chance of tnh_tlng anything you are spraying, Read =t instructions.., be ¢un_that the r_l_iral_r mask is sultabte foryour application.
Ifthe material you intend 1ospraycontainsthe sol- ventsltSled at l_ft [read the label or dale sheet},do
not u_ accessoriesthat contain aluminum or g_u-
vanlze_ part=. You musl eitherchang_ themateria_ you intend to spray, or use only stafnle=s _teel spray equipment,