no, your mattress will maintain its firmness. To protect your Firmness
Control System, we recommend using a surge protector.

Will my bed deflate if

there is a power surge

or power loss?

What do I do if the

Firmness Control

System doesn’t run?

Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into the wall outlet. Check
to see if the power cord is plugged into an outlet that has power and is not
connected to an on/off wall switch. if the Firmness Control System still will
not function, call Customer Service.

Why does my

Sleep Number®

setting change?

There are several factors that can contribute to the fluctuations in
a SLeeP nUMBeR® setting. a Sleep number® setting is based on the
combination of body weight, volume of air in the air chamber and
sleep position.
Sleep number® setting. a heated mattress pad will cause the Sleep number®
setting to increase.
• BarometricPressure:Changesinatmosphericpressurerelatedtoweatherand
altitude can cause your Sleep number® setting to change.
• Weight:TheFirmnessControl System acts similarly to a scale; more weight
means a higher Sleep number® setting. in addition, the way that the weight
is distributed will affect the reading.
Sleep number® setting will be higher (i.e., when you lie on your side). When it is
distributed throughout the chamber more, it is more likely that the Sleep number®
setting will be lower (i.e., when you lie on your back or stomach).
FirmnessControl System
Asked Questions