1. MIC
In this modethe "ConferetteC2. IR + MIC
In thls mode,audiosignalscanbe receivedas weilasthe infrared signals.Thisdescriptlonhascoveredthe basicfunctlonlngof the unit Thefollowingrelatesto operatingthe unit:
The User'sGuideis subdividedintotwo sectlons.Thefirstsectiondescnbesadjustments whichare onlyto be made by
Microphoneactivationthresholdtor intra red mode
Exworksthe basicadjustmentISsuchthat the automatlc actlvatloncircuit respondsto the soundpressurepradu- ced bya personspeaklngat a normalspeechlevel,and at a dlstanceof approximately) m from the listener.The respondthresholdof the automaticcircurt,with respect to distance,can be variedwithinlimitsby meansof PE.
Adjustment ot compensation circuit
The "ConferetteC
Adjustment: Potentiometerfully anticlockwise: for applicationashearingamplifier. Potentiometerfully clockwise:
if CDisassembly
Pullthe rearpart of the caseto the rear,awayfrom the unit Notoolsare requiredfor this operation,becausethe frant andrear partsof the caseare only Interconnected by a
Withthis adjustment,the volumerelationshipbetween the two earphonesis adaptedto the reducedhearing capabilityof the user,whIchISnot usuallythe samefor both ears.Thecontral isdesignatedPBin
B. Operating the unit
1.Insertthe rechargeablebatteryplug@Intothe unit Observethe Instructlonsfor useon the red label.
2.Selectthe modewith switch(iJ"0" position:unitisswitchedoff. "MIC"position:microphonesswitchedon, infrared receiversectionswitchedoff. "IR+ MIC" position:infrared receiversectionisswitchedon and mlcrophonesare switchedon viathresholdsetting.
3.Placethe earpiecesinthe earsas shownIn Fig.l.4.AdjustcontralCDfor the desIredvalue.If only hissing noiseis heardwhenthe Infraredmodehasbeenselec-
ted ("IR+ MIC"),the infraredtransmitteris not yet in operation.5.Forinfrared reception("IR+ MIC")lens@)mustpoint in the directionof the infraredtransmitter.Wearthe
unit in sucha way that the lensISalwaysdirected towardsthe transmitter,i.e.the televisionset,andso that It isnot coveredbyyour handor clothing.