MKE 203, MKE 403, MKE 803, MKE 833


General Description

The electret-condenser-microphonesMKE 203, MKE 403 and MKE 803 are part 01 a modular system. Each microphone consists 01 two basic parts: the powering-module and the microphone head. All different heads can be combined with the respective powe~ng- module. The modular system therelore provides the user with a microphone needed to start with and the possibility to extend the set by adding different heads which are available separately.

The powering-module is the grip 01 the microphone and can be litted with a battery or may be phantom-powered externally lrom studio power supplies.

The lollowing microphones are available through combination 01 a powering-module and a head:

MKE 203 = power-module K 3 + omnidirectional head ME 20

MKE403 = power-moduleK 3 + supercardioidhead ME40MKE 803 = power-module K 3 + directional-tube head ME 80


MKE 803 = power-module K 3 + directional-tube head ME 88

(shotgun type)

The microphones are designated with the code N or -U dependent on the powering-module being used.

The powering modules are delivered complete with battery and the swivel mount MZG 104-1lor rnounting on table stands and tripods.

Technical Description


K 3 N AND K 3-U

Both powering modules are designed to operate with a battery or phantom powering according to DIN 45596 with supply voltages lrom 12 . . . 48 V. The lile 01 one battery is approxirnately 600 hours. When switching on the microphone the battery condition is monitored by me ans 01 a light emitting diode. This battery test lunction is combined with a clicklree ON/OFF-switch. This way the battery is automatically tested each time this switch is operated. The battery does not have to be removed when the powering module is operated on external phantom power supplies.

The powering modules are litted with a balancing translormer and have a low impedance output. They incorporate a switchable low- cut lilter. The characteristics 01 this two step lilter are shown in lig. 5.

IIthe modules are loaded with impedances < 5 kf1 the cut-off Irequency moves towards higher Irequencies and the attenuation characteristic is less steep.

The powering module K 3 N is litted with a 3-pin DIN-connector and wired according to the scheme N. The powering module K 3-U has a 3-pin XLR connector and is wired to the scheme -U

Type 01 battery: Mercury battery 5.6 V (e.g. Mallory PX 23, Varta 23 PX, Ucar EPX 23). (see lig. 1)


Battery Voltage Check

The condition 01 the battery is checked every time the microphone is switched on (red mark visible) or off. When switching the light emitting diode blinks indicating sufficient supply voltage.

The microphone can be operated with one battery lor more than 600 hours. II the signal 01 the diode becomes dirn, the battery is coming to the end 01 its usable lile. But there is still areserve 01 twenty hours left providing enough time to obtain a new battery.

New batteries are available at shops lor photo equipment. When the microphone is not in use it should be switched off to prevent unnecessary discharging 01 the battery. (see lig. 2)

Inserting the Battery

To change the battery the microphone head must be screwed off. The battery compartment is then accessible. The battery, mercury type; should be inserted as shown on the label in the cornpartment.

Proper connection and lunction are checked by switching the microphone on and off. When the light ernitting diode blinks the battery has been inserted right. The microphone head and the battery part are now reassembled. (see lig. 3)

.(5,6 V I Mallory PX 23, Varta 23 PX, Ucar EPX 23)