MKE 203, MKE 403, MKE 803, MKE 833
Desk Stand MZT 104
A lightweight plastic stand. The swivel clip may be detached and mounted on all floor stands having a 3/8" thread.
Desk Stand MZT
A stable and unobtrUsive stand for studio use.
Wind- and Poppscreen
MZW 30
Effectively reduces wind and popp interferences when used
with the microphones MKE 203 and MKE 403.
Windscreen MZW 415
Effectively reduces wind noise and
talking applications. To be used with the MKE 803.
Quick Release ClampMZA 406This clamp will accept all microphone shaft diameters up to
30mm. Especially suited for stage and work and soloists. The 3/8" thread fits all stands or booms.
Ca me ra
MZG 802
The microphone mount MZG 802 serves to mount the "Telemike"
(ME 80 resp. ME 88 + MZS 802 +
K 3 N) to cameras as far as these are fitted with a 1/4"
thread. To protect the surface of
the camera housing the screw- on surface of the mount has
been fitted with an elastic pad. If the screw between the two
clamps is loosened the whole
Special Telescope MZS 802
The special telescope MZS 802
has been developed for the Sennheiser electret condenser
microphone modular system. The double telescopic rod of normally appx. 23 cm length can be extended to appx. 68 cm. It links the microphone heads ME
outer telescopic rod. This new module can be used either
handheld as a small boom micro-
phone or mounted on suitable sound film cameras.
Weight: appx. 140 g.
Connection cable MZK 802, MZK3.5mm jack socket resp.
Description generaleLes mlcrophones electrostatiques a electret MKE 203, MKE 403, MKE 803 et MKE 883 forment un systeme a modules. Chaque micro de cette serie est compose d'un element poignee et d'un element
tete de micro Chaque element poignee peut etre combine au choix avec les differentes tetes de micro.
Ce systeme vous donne la possibilite de vous procurer d'abord le type de base souhaite et de completer ensuite tour a tour selon vos besoins par les autres tiHes de micro. La poignee servant d'alimentation, peut loger une pile ou peut etre alimente de maniere externe par circuit fantöme par des alimentations studio.
Voici la denomination des micros en fonction de la combinaison module d'alimentation et tete de micro:
MKE 203= module d'alimentation K 3 + tete a directiviteomnidirectionnelle ME 20
MKE 403= module d'alimentation K 3 + tete a directivitedirectionelle ME 80
MKE 883 = moduled'alimentationK 3 + tete a directivitedirectionnelle ME 88
Le micro est caracterise encore par la lettre N ou
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