Using the bodypack transmitter

The current state of the muting function or the RF signal is displayed on the display panel of the bodypack transmitter.

533.875MHz￿ ew100 G3



Audio signal is muted

Transmitter’s display panel: “MUTE￿ is displayed

Audio signal is activated (muting is deactivated)

Transmitter’s display panel: “MUTE￿ is not displayed

RF signal is deactivated

Transmitter’s display panel: transmission icon ￿ is not displayed, “MUTE￿ is displayed

RF signal is activated

Transmitter’s display panel: Transmission icon ￿ is displayed, “MUTE￿ is not displayed

You can also deactivate the RF signal on switch-on. For more information, refer to the chapter “Switching the bodypack transmitter on/off” on page 12.

Using the ON/OFF button, you can also activate/ deactivate the RF signal during operation.

To do so, briefly press the ON/OFF button and proceed as described on page 12.