Insertion 01 the batteries and battery test.
Fig 1
Operating the battery compartment
| Fig.2 |
| Insertion | 01 the | batteries. |
| |
N.B.: |
Only | batteries | 01the type | 1.5 V |
| |||
"Miero" IEC LR 03 inay be used, sinee perfeet |
| |||||
operation 01 the transmitter is only guaranteed with | 1 | ||||||
these. |
| |
| |
After the batteries have been inserted, switch 2 is |
| ||||||
set at | position | "On" with | the aid lor the enclosed |
| J | ||
switching implement or some other switching tool. |
| ||||||
The battenes are correctly Inserted II the red operat- |
| ||||||
ing display 3 illuminates. The LED serves simul- |
| |||||
taneously as a battery contral display. The display |
| ||||||
go es out il the battery voltage drops below 2.4 V. |
| ||||||
The RF output power remains constant down to |
| ||||||
approx. 1.5 V. To avoid any unwelcome surprises |
| ||||||
the transmitter should be switched on lor around |
| ||||||
10min. | after | the insertion | 01 new batteries | and | the |
control display observed. II the LED goes out during this time, one 01 the batteries is delective.
Sensitivity adjustment
The sensitlvity 01the microphone input can be adjusted up to the level 01the expected sound levels In 8 stages with the sensitivity control 4 This adJustment should be carried out in conJunction with a receiver which has a sWing display. such as EM 1036 for example. The sensitivlty IS correctly adjusted when approx. 30 % swing display (apprax 20 dB
Position 1, 2 = loud voices
Position 3 = normal voices
Position 4 - 8= low voices
For operating the switch the switching tool supplied has to be used. In order to ensure that the tool
stays with the transmitter after the adjustment has been carried out it should be snapped onto the microphone cable.
Operation with limiter
IIthe switch 5 is set at position " a high quallty limiting ampliller is activated. enabling
Fixing the pocket transmitter
The transmitter's minimal dimensions and tlat design mean It can easlly be stored In a jacket ortrouser pocket. The unit ISprevented from falling out by means of a film
clip wlth wh ich the transmitter mayaiso be attached to the waistband or bel!.
With the
the bag the clip should be removed trom the trans- mitter. This is done by bending apart the clip. After the transmitter has been pushed into the bag it must be lixed with the two gussets. Two slots in the bag enable the clip to be refitted il necessary.
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