S H A R P Date Revised :
Date Issued :Sep. 16, 2004

Section 5. Fire-Fighting Measures

Suitable Extinguishing Media: CO2, water spray, foam and dry chemical
Extinguishing Media to Avoid: Full water jet
Fire and Explosion Hazards: If dispersed in air, like most finely divided organic powders, may form an
explosive mixture.
Protection of Firefighters: Use self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).

Section 6. Accidental Release Measuress

Personal Precautions: None
Environmental Precautions: None
Methods for Cleaning Up: Wear personal protective equipment (See Section 8). Cacuum or sweep
material and place in a bag and hold for waste disposal. Use vacuum equipped
with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Vacuum should be electrically
bonded and grounded to dispel static electricity. To avoid dust generation, do
not sweep dry.

Secti on 7. Ha ndling and Sto rage

Technical Measures: None
Precautions: Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with eyes.
Safe Handling Advice: Try not to disperse the particulates.
Technical Measures: None
Storage Conditions: Keep container closed. Store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.
Incompatible Products: None

Sec ti on 8 . Ex pos ur e Co ntr ol/ Pe rso nal Pro te cti on

Engineering Measures
Ventilation: None required with intended use.
Control Parameters(As total dust)
OSHA-PEL(USA): 15mg/m
ACGIH-TLV(USA): 10mg/m
DFG-MAK(GER): 6mg/m
Worksafe-TWA(Austl.): 10mg/m
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Not required under normal conditions. For use other than in normal operating procedures
(such as in the event of large spill), goggles and respirators may be required.
Hygiene Measures: Wash hands after handling.

Sec tio n 9. Phys ica l an d Ch emi cal Pro pert ies

Physical State: Solid Form: P
owder (mean dia. Is 5 – 15 um by volume)
Odor: Almost odorless Explosion Properties: No data available
Boiling Point: Not applicable Solubility in water: Insoluble in water.
Melting Point(°C):
Around 125°C (275°F) (Softing Point)
Color: Black
Ignition Temperature(°C)
: 400 * Specific Gravity : 1.2 *
Flash Point: Not applicable Vapor Pressure: Not applicable
pH: Not applicable Partition Coefficient, n-Octanol/Water: Not applicable