Fan Speed Indicator Lights
Plasmacluster Indicator Light
Plasmacluster ON/OFF Indicator Light
Power ON/OFF Button
•Press to start operation (short beep) and stop operation (long beep)
•Plasmacluster Indicator Light and Fan Speed Indicator Light turn on/off.
•Unless the power cord has been unplugged, the operations starts in the previous mode it was operated in.
Fan Speed Button
• The operation mode can be switched as below.
AUTO operation
The fan speed is automatically switched (MEDIUM, LOW) depending on the amount of impurities in the air. The sensors detect the impurities for efficient air purifi- cation.
MAX operation
The unit will operate at a fan speed of MAX.
ION SHOWER operation
By continuously discharging strong airflow for 15 min- utes the unit effectively removes airborne dust, pol- len, mold and allergens from the air as they are drawn through the filter system.
• When the operation finished, the unit will return to the AUTO operation.
MEDIUM operation
The unit will operate at a fan speed of MEDIUM.
SILENT operation
The unit will operate quietly using minimal air intake.
POLLEN mode operation 
The unit will operate at HIGH* fan speed for 10 min- utes, then will alternate between MEDIUM and HIGH* for 20 minutes.
10 minutes: HIGH fan speed

20 minutes: MEDIUM fan speed
20 minutes: HIGH fan speed
*HIGH fan speed is an intermedi- ate speed between MEDIUM and MAX.
*LOW fan speed is an intermedi- ate speed between SILENT and