R-775+785 English 3/18/02 1:54 PM Page 26


45571, Fax: 0963-45572 / Battaglia Saverio, Via C. Colombo 85, 88063, Catanzaro, Tel: 0961-33824, Fax: 0961-737337 /

Ciano Giuseppe, Via Circonvallaz.Sud, 89029, Taurianova Rc, Tel: 0966-643483, Fax: 0966-614946 / Lab. Tv Dei F.Lli Aiello Snc,

Via Torino 121/123, 88074, Crotone Cz, Tel: 0962-20889, Fax: 0962-24254 / Mea Giuseppe, Via L. Einaudi Trav.I 16, 88048,

Lamezia T. (Cz), Tel: 0968-437520, Fax: 0968-437520 / Medaglia Giolindo, Via Torrazzo 60/62, 88063, Catanzaro Lido, Tel: 0961-

31626, Fax: 0961-31626 / S.A.T.E Di Dodaro, Via Degli Stadi 28/F, 87100, Cosenza, Tel: 0984-482337, Fax: 0984-482337

Se.Ri.El.Co, V.Delle Medaglie D’oro163, 87100, Cosenza, Tel: 0984-33152, Fax: 0984-33152 / Satep Srl, Via Naz.Delle

Puglie176/A, 80026, Casoria (Na), Tel: 081-7590161, Fax: 081-7590706 / Audio Service Snc, Via Cattaneo 4/6, 81100, Caserta,

Tel: 0823-329099, Fax: 0823-353686 / Drf Elettr. Di Rubbo, Via M.Pacifico 118, 82100, Benevento, Tel: 0824-62416, Fax: 0824-

62416 / Elettronica D`Argenio, Via Nazion. Torrette,195, 83013, Mercogliano (Av), Tel: 0825-681590, Fax: 0825-681590 /

Elettronica Service, Viale Europa, 15, 80053, Castell. Stabia, Tel: 081-8728280, Fax: 081-8728280 / Errediesse Service, Via P.

Mascagni 74/76, 80128, Napoli, Tel: 081-5794825, Fax: 081-5791899 / M.C. Elettronica Snc, Via Dei Mille 138, 84100, Salerno

(Sa), Tel: 089-330591, Fax: 089-336836 / Menna Elettronica Srl, Via Nazionale Delle Puglie 294, 80026, Casoria (Na), Tel: 081-

5840726, Fax: 081-7594277 / Satec Di Correra Snc, Via Liberta’ 307, 81024, Maddaloni (Ce), Tel: 0823-341088, Fax: 0823-

343011 / Video Elett. 2 Di Nasti, Via Ant.Pio 74/76, 80126, Napoli, Tel: 081-7676300, Fax: 081-7284347 / Audio Video

Center Snc, Via F. Vandelli 23/29, 41100, Modena, Tel: 059-235219, Fax: 059-210265 / Ass.Electron Di Fogli, Via F.Lli Aventi 19,

44100, Ferrara, Tel: 0532-903250, Fax: 0532-903250 / Ma.Pi. Snc, Via T.Azzolini 3, 40132, Bologna, Tel: 051-6414115, Fax: 051-

406848 / Masini Service, Via Mediterraneo 24, 47041, Bellaria (Fo), Tel: 0541-347714, Fax: 0541-324413 / Nuova Tecnocoop,

Via Armellini 28/30/32,47037, Bellariva Rimini, Tel: 0541-370812, Fax: 0541-370812 / Parmaservice Sas, Via Benedetta 47/A,

43100, Parma, Tel: 0521-271666, Fax: 0521-271666 / Rimpelli Nelusco Snc, Via Marchelli 7/C, 42100, Reggio Emilia, Tel: 0522-

323740, Fax: 0522-376967 / Rip.Elettr.Ravenna, Via Reale, 27/C 48010, Camerlona (Ra), Tel: 0544-521500, Fax: 0544-521100 /

Rte Di I. Catellani & C., Via Premuda 38/V, 42100, Reggio Emilia (Re), Tel: 0522-381277, Fax: 0522-381788 / Stema Snc, V.Le

Bologna, 92/A 47100, Forli’, Tel: 0543-704475, Fax: 0543-702742 / Technolab Snc, Via Romea 36, 48100, Ravenna, Tel: 0544-

64008, Fax: 0544-476497 / Tecnoservice.Com, Via Longhi 16/A/B, 40128, Bologna, Tel: 051-360986, Fax: 051-366863

A.V.R. Sas Di Di Renzo, Via Colonna 20/8, 33170, Pordenone, Tel: 0434-27669, Fax: 0434-523661 / Astec S.N.C. Di Zoccarato,

Via Pecenco 4, 34127, Trieste, Tel: 040-574745, Fax: 040-577923 / Cm Elettronica Snc, Via G.Galilei 2, 33010, Tavagnacco (Ud), Tel:

0432-572172, Fax: 0432-573788 / Contr.El., Via Rossetti 51/C, 34141, Trieste, Tel: 040-368387, Fax: 040-638117 / Tecnofly Snc,

Via Cappuccini 11/2, 34170, Gorizia, Tel: 0481-32732, Fax: 0481-546740 / A.P. Rip. Arduini Piero, Via Licinio Refice 192, 03100,

Frosinone, Tel: 0775-291267, Fax: 0775-291267 / Centro E.L.Va. Snc, Via Attilio Mori 19/21, 00176, Roma, Tel: 06-2148641, Fax:

06-2753048 / El.S.A.R., Via S.Sotero 36, 00165, Roma, Tel: 06-6380516, Fax: 06-6380973 / Elettronica 81, Via Ezio 56/58,

04100, Latina, Tel: 0773-694608, Fax: 0773-663511 / Italreg Di Abano, Parco Belvedere Conca 74, 04024, Gaeta, Tel: 0771-

470851, Fax: 0771-470851 / Palmieri F., Via S.Polledrara 219, 03100, Frosinone, Tel: 0775-291485, Fax: 0775-291485 / S.A.R.E.

S.R.L., Via Barbana 35/37, 00142, Roma, Tel: 06-5406796, Fax: 06-5412736 / Video Serv. Sas Di Calabrese, Str Teverina Km 2,

400 L. Pantanese, 01100, Viterbo (Vt), Tel: 0761-251557, Fax: 0761-251558 / Caudullo Salvatore, Via Cavour 11/R, 17100,

Savona, Tel: 019-8386251, Fax: 019-829654 / Centro Assistenza Tecn., Via Metella 3, 18039, Ventimiglia (Im), Tel: 0184-239011,

Fax: 0184-239015 / G.A.T.E. Snc, Passo P.Carrega 24/A, 16141, Genova, Tel: 010-8361543, Fax: 010-8364571

Gse S.R.L., Via Rimassa 183 R, 16122, Genova (Ge), Tel: 010-5536076, Fax: 010-5536113 / Rapisarda G., Via Argine Destro 299,

18100, Imperia, Tel: 0183-710771, Fax: 0183-710771 / Rien Snc, Via Valle 17/19, 19124, La Spezia, Tel: 0187-21925, Fax: 0187-

21925 / Tognetti Snc, Via Lunigiana 589, 19100, La Spezia, Tel: 0187-507656, Fax: 0187-507656 / A.E. Snc, V.Acerbi 28, 20161,

Milano, Tel: 02-66220906, Fax: 02-6466930 / A.T. Electronics, Via G. Da Cermenate 76, 20141, Milano, Tel: 02-89501602, Fax: 02-

89502937 / C.A.T. Bm, Via Per Desio 22, 20030, Bovisio Masciago Mi, Tel: 0362-558421, Fax: 0362-558887 / Cat Electronic Snc,

Via Togliatti 8, 20077, Melegnano(Mi), Tel: 02-9834498, Fax: 02-9837559 / Crel S.N.C.,Via Carducci, 23100, Sondrio, Tel: 0342-

216538, Fax: 0342-216538 / Electronic’s Center, Via G.Giulini 9, 22100, Como, Tel: 031-279820, Fax: 031-261791 / Elettronica

Cappi, Via Gorizia, 14/B, 23100, Sondrio, Tel: 0342-210459, Fax: 0342-210459 / Eurotecnica Di Ronchi, Via Milano 74/B,

25126, Brescia, Tel: 030-317673, Fax: 030-317673 / Microcentro, Via Falloppio 11, 20110, Milano, Tel: 02-26827306, Fax: 02-

2826711 / Morini Daniele, Via Maiocchi, 10, 27058, Voghera (Pv), Tel: 0383-368740, Fax: 0383-368740 / Prada Cesare

M.Antonio, Via Riviera 142, 27100, Pavia, Tel: 0382-525920, Fax: 0382-525920 / S.A.R.E.L. Snc Di Giglia Mario, Carso 30,

27029, Vigevano (Pv), Tel: 0381-344088, Fax: 0381-344088 / S.T.A.R.T. Video Hi-Fi, Via Orti Romani 16/A, 26100, Cremona, Tel:

0372-38731, Fax: 0372-38731 / Salvadori Claudio, Via Del Bosco 44, 21052, Busto Arsizio (Va), Tel: 0331-329973, Fax: 0331-

628727 / Service Tva Snc, Via Vergnano 59 , 25127, Brescia, Tel: 030-349885, Fax: 030-349885 / Tecnovideo Snc, P.Zza De

Gasperi 28, 46100, Mantova, Tel: 0376-321554, Fax: 0376-321554 / Teletecnica 2000, Via Torino 21, 21013, Gallarate (Va), Tel:

0331-775519, Fax: 0331-775519 / Test Tv Snc, Via S. Altamura 10, 20148, Milano, Tel: 02-4035408, Fax: 02-48704889 / Video

Service Snc, Via Locatelli 2, 24068, Seriate (Bg), Tel: 035-296883, Fax: 035-300076 / C.A.T. Snc, Via A. Cecchi 25, 61100, Pesaro,

Tel: 0721-25608, Fax: 0721-25608 / Digitecnica Di Moroni R. Snc, Via Zuccarini, 1- Z.Baraccola, 60131, Candia (An), Tel: 071-

2866067, Fax: 071-8046398 / Marconi Lanfranco, Via M.Bianco 10-Porto D’ascoli, 63039, S.Bened. D/Tronto, Tel: 0735-659230,

Fax: 0735-751155 / Pluritecnica, Via C. Ulpiani 5, 63100, Ascoli Piceno, Tel: 0736-342635, Fax: 0736-346405 / S.A.T. Radio Tv,

Via D. Rossi 32-34, 62100, Macerata, Tel: 0733-231304, Fax: 0733-231304 / Vitali Claudio, Via Marconi 89, 60035, Jesi (An), Tel:

0731-59290, Fax: 0731-59290 / Pesce Luigi, Via Tiberio 74, 86100, Campobasso, Tel: 0874-63717 / Alpi Lab, Via S. Grandis 11,

12100, Cuneo, Tel: 0171-690384, Fax: 0171-690384 / Arte E Tecnica Snc, Via Falletti 22, 13900, Biella, Tel: 015-8496250, Fax:

015-8496250 / Elektro Di Fiore F., Via Tripoli 91, 13100, Vercelli, Tel: 0161-250071, Fax: 0161-255843 / F.G. Elettronica,Via

Sagra S.Michele 46,10141, Torino, Tel: 011-796423, Fax: 011-796423

Guida Di Guida Alessio, Via Roggiolo 5, 28069, Trecate (No), Tel: 0321-71608, Fax: 0321-777003 / Mantoan Dario, Via Matteotti

69, 28062, Cameri (No), Tel: 0321-519078, Fax: 0321-519078 / Siragusa E Roagna Sdf, C.So Matteotti 41, 14100, Asti, Tel: 0141-

531131, Fax: 0141-531131 / Videotext, P.Zza D.Alp.Cuneense 24, 12043, Canale (Cn), Tel: 0173-95878, Fax: 0173-979638 /

A.V.S. Snc, Via N.Pompilio 61, 72100, Brindisi, Tel: 0831-560165, Fax: 0831-560165 / Arnesano Faustino, Via M.Moscardino 10,

73100, Lecce, Tel: 0832-318277, Fax: 0832-318277 / C.Ass.Tec. Di Columella, Via Mazzini 30, 71016, San Severo (Fg), Tel: 0882-

226295, Fax: 0882-226295 / Elettr.Serv. Di Marcuccio, C.So Annibale 15/17, 74100, Taranto, Tel: 099-7721933, Fax: 099-

7721933 / Eltec Service Di Pepe G., Viale Ofanto 149-151, 71100, Foggia, Tel: 0881-685013, Fax: 0881-687041 / Ingrosso

Fernando, Via Biasco 15, 73100, Lecce, Tel: 0832-396466, Fax: 0832-392014 / Marinelli Benedetto, Via Dei Salici 14, 70051,

Barletta (Ba), Tel: 0883-514054, Fax: 0883-527128 / Massariello Agostino, Via Numa Pompilio 65, 72100, Brindisi, Tel: 0831-

521821 / Stear Snc Di Pici, Via E.Perrone 16, 71100, Foggia, Tel: 0881-778483, Fax: 0881-778483 / Video Serv. Marcantonio,


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Sharp R-775, R-785 operation manual 775+785 English 3/18/02 154 PM

R-785, R-775 specifications

The Sharp R-775 and R-785 are two distinct models of microwave ovens that exemplify Sharp's commitment to innovation in cooking technology. These models are designed to cater to diverse culinary needs, offering advanced features that ensure efficient cooking and convenience for users.

The Sharp R-775 microwave oven showcases a variety of cooking options and user-friendly features. One of its main highlights is the inverter technology, which provides a continuous, steady stream of power. Unlike traditional microwaves that cycle on and off, the inverter technology ensures even and consistent cooking, making it ideal for delicate tasks such as melting chocolate or simmering sauces. With a 900-watt output, the R-775 is powerful enough to handle various cooking tasks efficiently.

Another notable feature of the R-775 is its spacious interior, which accommodates larger dishes and casseroles. The turntable enhances even cooking, ensuring that food is heated uniformly. Additionally, the oven comes with an array of pre-programmed settings for popular dishes, including popcorn, pizza, and baked potatoes, making meal preparation quick and hassle-free.

The Sharp R-785 takes the cooking experience a step further with its combination of microwave and convection cooking. This model allows users to harness the power of both microwave and convection cooking, which means meals can be cooked faster and with enhanced flavor. The convection feature circulates hot air around the food, resulting in crispy, evenly browned dishes. This versatility makes the R-785 perfect for those who enjoy baking, roasting, and grilling.

Moreover, the R-785 model includes a sensor cooking option that automatically adjusts cooking time and power based on the food's moisture levels. This ensures optimal results without the need for constant monitoring. The sleek design and intuitive controls of the R-785 further enhance its appeal, making it a modern addition to any kitchen.

Both models prioritize user safety with features like child locks and automatic shut-off mechanisms. Furthermore, their energy-efficient designs contribute to lower electricity consumption, making them environmentally friendly options.

In conclusion, the Sharp R-775 and R-785 microwave ovens are highly functional appliances equipped with innovative technologies that simplify cooking. Whether one seeks a straightforward microwave experience or a versatile cooking platform, these models deliver on performance, convenience, and quality.