SHARPDateRevised: .
DateIssued :July.3. 2001
MSDSNo. B-1026
Section6. AccidentalRelease Measures
Rumplingthe product may causethe wax layer to peel off. Sweep up or vacuum. When sweeping,avoid
raisingfilm or dust.Ifa vacuum is used , moto rs hould be rated as dust tight. Wash any residue off skin with
soapand water. Garments may be wasted or dry cleaned after rem oval ofl oose film or dust.
Section7. Handlingand Storage
Nospecial precautio ns for safety reason.
Storein cool, dry place,avoid direct sunlight.
Section8. ExposureControl/Personal P rotection
Ventilation: None
EyeProtection: None
ProtectiveCloth ing: None
Gloves: None
Section9. Physicaland Chemical Properties
Description: Notapplicable
MeltingPoint: 71°CFreezing Point: None
Pressurized: None Boiling Point: None
pH: None SpecificGr avity (H20 = 1): about1.2
EvaporationRat e: Negligible WaterSolubility: Not applicable
Volatility: None
Section10. Stabilityand Reactivity
Stability: Stable
Conditions to Avoid: None
Incompatibility(Materials to Avoid): None
HazardousD ecomposition or Byproducts: CO,CO2, NOX and H2O
HazardousPol ymerization: Willnot occur
Section11. ToxicologicalInformation
AcuteToxicity: None
ChronicToxicity: None
Section12. EcologicalInformation
Noenvironme ntal effect at normal use.
Section13. DisposalConsideration
Disposeby the s ame method of ordinary plastic products in accordance wit h all applicable regulations. Any
disposalpractice must be in com pliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations. If necessary,
contactgovernment officeandensure conformity wit h disposal regulations.
Section14. TransportInformation
Nospecific preca utionary transport measure for safety reasons.
Asto storage cond itions, see section 7.
Section15. RegulatoryInformation
Section16. OtherInformation
Theinformation he rein is given in good faith, but no warranty, if used any process.
Finaldetermination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibilityofthe user.
Althoughcertain information are described herein, we cannot guarantee, that these are the only hazard, which exist.
Informationon this data sheet rep resents our current data and best opinion as to the proper use in handling of
thisproduct unde r normal conditions.
Restrictions: Thisinformation relates only to the specifi c material designated as supplie db y the manufacturer. This
information is supplied to us by the manufactur er and Sharp offers no warranties as to i ts accuracy and
acceptsno responsibilities for anytypographical errors which may appear on thesesheets. It is the
responsibilityof the user to determinethe suitability of this product for each particular use.