Conducting calls" or -Start a call with the talk or speakerphone key.
or( You can end a call with the on-hook key or by placing the mobile tele-phone in the charging shell.
You can also use the on-hook key to cancel all functions.
Internal/external dialling
Internal calls are calls within the telephone system. External calls are
calls in the public telephone network.
Preparing a
* and Enter the phone number and, where applicable, correct individual
characters with the "Delete" display key.
* or For internal dialling:
or Enter the internal phone number of the user or use the control key to
open the list of internal users or the telephone directory, see also
page 22.
* or For external dialling:
Enter the external code, e.g."0" plus the external phone number or
use the control key to open the telephone directory, see also page22.
Dialling is only possible when the mobile telephone is active.
On or message status is then shown on the display, see
You can also start by pressing the talk key and then enter the
phone number. Each digit is then immediately dialled.