Switching function codesFor Version 2.2 The following table shows the telephone system’s switching func-
tions which you can execute via your mobile telephone by entering
the standard codes displayed.
As of Version 3.0 The following table shows the telephone system’s switching func-
tions which you can execute via your mobile telephone either in inter-
active mode, in the service menu or by entering the standard codes
The individual functions must be enabled. The codes are standard
codes. They can be set differently. For more information, consult your
system administrator.
The successful execution of a switching function is signalled by a cre-
scendo tone sequence whereas a faulty execution is signalled by a de-
crescendo tone sequence.
Key sequences
Interactive mode
Service menu
+ code Enter the standard codes
Switching functions Interac-
tive mode
Accepting call waiting
Answer a (second) call.
Call waiting
• Without tone
• With tone
Automatic call waiting
• Activate
• Deactivate
Missed calls list
(see page 37)
Saving a phone number