Press Keys:
Directory and network access list
Gigaset 4000 Micro, IM1 eng, A31008-G4000-B022-2-6Z19 4000co.fm 18.03.02
Character map
Press the relevant key repeatedly or hold down:
Sort sequence:
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x
]blank 1â£$¥¤
Ÿa b c 2 äáàâãç
¡gh i 4 ïíìî
£m n o 6 öñóòôõ
¥t u v 8 üúùû
Þ. , ? ! 0 + - : ¿¡ *
Other characters on this key: ,,;,_
ª# @ \ & §
The first letter of the name is automatically written
in uppercase and the rest in lowercase.
To ch an ge one letter from uppercase to lowercase or
vice versa press « .
Control the cursor with F G E D. Delete
characters with X
Letters are always inserted to the left of the cursor.
Inserting a blank before a name takes that name to
the top of the directory (for example Karla).
1. Blank 3. Letters (alphabetical)
2. Digits (0-9) 4. Other characters