Press Keys:
Directory and network access list
Gigaset 4000 Micro, IM1 eng, A31008-G4000-B022-2-6Z19 4000co.fm 18.03.02
Displaying, changing or deleting an entry
D/COpen the directory/network access list.
DSelect the entry you want.
View View all the information for the entry.
Change Open the input field and make the necessary changes.
oChange the number if necessary.
D oGo to the name field and change the name.
For notes on entering letters and characters
s.page 14.
For the directory enter an anniversary if necessary
s.page 16.
©Open the menu.
Save Entry [Confirm the changes.
D/COpen the directory/network access list.
DSelect the relevant entry.
©Open the menu.
DDelete Entry [You will hear a confirmation tone. The entry has been
Copying an entry to another handset
You can copy an entry to another Micro/Comfort hand-
D/COpen the directory/network access list.
DSelect the required entry.
©Open the menu.
DDelete Entry [Select the menu item and confirm.
D[Select the internal user (receiving handset) and con-
Copying a further entry:
YES Press.
DSelect the required number.
Copy Initiate the copy process.