Press Keys:
Making calls
Gigaset 4000 Micro, IM1 eng, A31008-G4000-B022-2-6Z19 4000co.fm 18.03.02
Open caller list/message list*
A message appears in the display and the status LED
flashes to indicate that there are new calls/messages.
Handsfree talking
Handsfree talking when dialling
oDial the telephone number.
uPress the handsfree key.
Handsfree talking during a call
uActivate handsfree talking.
To s et th e v ol um e:
Press the handsfree key u oncemore.
F G Raise or lower the volume.
Save Save the volume level.
cChange from handsfree talking to the handset
aEnd the call.
Forwarding an external call, enquiry call
You can forward an external call to another handset or
make an internal enquiry call.
FOpen the list of internal users.
E D cSelect the internal user and call.
If the internal user answers:
●To fo rw ar d t he ca ll : Press the end call key a.
●To end the enq uiry call: Use End to return to the
waiting party.
* Not available in all countries
When handsfree talking is activated, the handsfree
key u and the status LED are lit.