Press Keys:
Making calls
Gigaset 4000 Micro, IM1 eng, A31008-G4000-B022-2-6Z19 4000co.fm 18.03.02

Making calls

Making an external call
oEnter the telephone number. If you make a mistake
use the X key to correct individual digits.
cPress the talk key.
aPress the end call key to end the call.
Making internal calls
FOpen the list of internal users. Your own handset is
identified by<".
D E cSelect the handset you want and press the talk key.
or e. g. ŸEnter the internal number of the handset.
or c
or «All handsets are called.
aPress the end call key to end the call.
Answering a call
Your telephone will ring (ringing tone) and the status
LED will flash.
c / uPress the talk key or handsfree key.
Simply remove the handset from the charging unit
(factory setting: Auto talk).
You can also press the talk key c first and then
enter the telephone number - each digit will be di-
alled immediately.
You can cancel the dialling operation by pressing
the end call key a.
You can insert a pause: After entering the prefix,
open the menu using the display key © and se-
lect insert pause.
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