Colour monitor C384FA-M
2- English A26361-K826-Z100-2-5E19
Notational conventions
Themeanings of the symbols and fonts used in this manual are as follows:
!Payparticular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe this warning
endangersyour life, destroys the device, or may lead to loss of data.
Supplementaryinformation, remarks, and tips follow this symbol.
Ê Textwhich follows this symbol describes activities that must be performed in the order shown.
"Quotationmarks" indicate names of chapters or terms.
Important notes
!Inthis chapter you will find information regarding safety which is essential to take note of
withyour monitor.
Thisdevice complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment, including
electronicoffice machines for use in an office environment. If you have any questions, contact your
salesoutlet or our customer service centre.
• Thedisplay surface of the LCD monitor is sensitive to pressure and scratches. You should
thereforebe careful with the display surface so as to avoid lasting damage (Newton rings,
• Ifthe device is brought into the installation site from a cold environment, condensation can
form.Before operating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry and has reached approximately
thesame temperature as the installation site.
• Duringinstallation and before operating the device, please observe the instructions on
environmentalconditions in the chapter entitled "Technical data" as well as the instructions in
thechapter "Installing an ergonomic video workstation".
• Toensure adequate ventilation the monitor may only be operated with the monitor foot
• Thepower adapter automatically sets itself to a mains voltage in the range of 100 Vto 240 V.
Ensurethat the local mains voltage lies within these limits.
• Ensurethat the power socket on the power adapter or the grounded mains outlet is freely
• TheON/OFF switch does not disconnect the device from the mains voltage. To disconnect the
electricitysupply completely, remove the power plug from the socket.
• Layall cables so that nobody can stand on them or trip over them. When attaching the device,
observethe relevant notes in the chapter "Connecting the monitor".
• Nodata transmission cable should be connected or disconnected during a thunderstorm.