Giga 3000 Comfort, IM1-engl, A31008-G3000-B002-3-6Z19 3000co.fm 05.01.00
Charging the batteries
The batteries supplied are not charged. To charge the bat-
teries, insert the handset either into the base station or the
Gigaset 3000L charging unit – you will hear the confirmation
beep. The charging operation is indicated by a flashing LED
on the handset:
Approved batteries:
Always insert two batteries and only use batteries of the
same type/from the same manufacturer.
Batteries flat 8Batteries 2/3 charge d
FBatteries 1/3 charge d 7Batteries full
• Initially charge the batteries thoroughly; we recom-
mend charging the batteries for at least 16 hours with-
out interruption – irrespective of the charging status
• Once the first charging operation is complete, you can
replace the handset in the base station after any call.
Charging is controlled electronically. This ensures opti-
mum charging and prolongs battery life.
• The batteries heat up during charging.
• The battery charging status is only correctly displayed af-
ter uninterrupted charging/discharging.
Nickel-cadmium (NiCd) Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH)
Sanyo N-3U (700 mAh) Sanyo H-3 U (1500 mAh)
GP GP60AAKC (600 mAh) GP GP130 AA HC (1300 mAh)
Varta 751RS (700 mAh) GP GP150 AA HC (1500 mAh)
Mobile Power 700 (700 mAh) Varta VH 1101 or Phone Power
(1100 mAh)
Panasonic 60 DT (600 mAh) Panasonic HHR-110 AA (1100 mAh)
Friwo NiMH (1400 mAh)
Toshiba TH-1200 AARE (1200 mAh)