Inst. message


Inst. message


With Inst. message you can transfer text, audio clips, pictures and files straight to and from one or more terminals (mobile phone, PC). This function is not offered by all service providers. Please ask your service provider about this.

Your dialogue partners are entered in contact lists. When a connection has been established, these lists show who is available, whether he/ she wants to be disturbed and what mood he/she is in at present.

GPRS must be switched on.

C¢M¢Inst. message

Start menu

Login Select the access through which the dialogue is to take place


select Account (p. 68).

Msg. history

Read the messages from the last session.

Setup Settings for your repre- sentation, the applications and servers.

Quit End application.

Fast access ...

Select account (p. 68)

C¢M¢Inst. message¢Login

The current contact list or the overview is displayed (if necessary, set account first, p. 68).

Specify your own status (p. 69)


Open menu.

My settings

Select and make entries.


Return to contact list.

Enter new contact


Open menu.


Press, then:

Add contact

select and enter at least the user ID.

B Return to contact list.

Hold dialogue with new contact (p. 67)


Select the contact.


Start dialogue.


Open editor.


Write text.

C Send text ...

... and so on.