TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
These limits apply to 240 V RMS supply voltage and 50 W lamp loads (unless
stated). Where the supply is lower or the lamp loads are higher the limits are
reduced accordingly. For example the figures given in curly brackets {} are the
maximum loads when a 50-0-50 V RMS mains supply is used. The limits are only
reduced if the actual voltage being monitored is at the lower level, i.e. if a 50-0-50
V RMS supply (derived from a transformer) is used but the monitoring is on the
240 V RMS side of the transformer, then the limits do not need to be reduced.
If the nominal load current (excluding red/ambers) of a particular controller
output exceeds 4.0 A RMS, at nominal mains voltage, then that output
should be split and treated as two separate outputs (although the same
voltage sensor can be used for both).
For example, 8 pedestrian plus 8 wait indicator.
For example, 8 vehicle plus 4 pedestrian plus 4 wait indicator.
To allow monitoring of tube type signs at 50-0-50 V sites, the signs must be driven
with the 50-0-50 V supply and the tubes must have the standard voltage-current
CAUTION! The current sensors may produce a high voltage when not
terminated into the OTU board if current is passed through the core.
The Current transformers (part number 667/7/25171/000) measure the current
flowing in conductors that are passed through their core. To maintain the correct
relationship between the current flowing in the conductors and the output from the
sensor, the sensors must be connected the correct way round.
The current transformers are toroidal and one side is marked with a spot to
indicate the input direction. The Live conductor(s) should pass from the controller
output terminal(s) through the centre of the current transformer, entering the side
with the spot marker, and on to the lamp(s).
The output wires from the current transformer are red (positive) and white
(negative) and are terminated with Berg mini PV terminals which are clipped into a
Berg mini latch housing to provide a complete sensor assembly which plugs into
PL1 on the OTU board. Referring to Figure 35, the red wire connects to the
required number LMU input shown with a +, and the white wire connects to the
corresponding - input. Inputs should normally be allocated consecutively starting
from number 1. The current sensors should then be anchored by passing a
TYWRAP or equivalent through the sensor hole and around a suitable fixing point.
Up to 23 current transformers can be used per Outstation when equipped with
LMU facilities.
666/HE/43100/000 Page 175 Issue 9