TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
ENG 200 0 to 31
OTUHFLG - Integral OTUs historic fault flags
The Integral OTUs Historic Fault Log Flags - see OTU documentation.
Normal examination of the OTU's fault logs should be made using the OTU
commands 'GLF' and 'GLD' rather than these engineering commands.
Note: This command can still be entered even if no Integral OTU is fitted or one
is connected but has failed but will obviously not return the correct values.
ENG 201 0 to 255
OTUHDAT - Integral OTUs historic fault data
The Integral OTUs Historic Fault Log Data - see OTU documentation.
Normal examination of the OTU's fault logs should be made using the OTU
commands 'GLF' and 'GLD' rather than these engineering commands.
Note: This command can still be entered even if no Integral OTU is fitted or one
is connected but has failed but will obviously not return the correct values.
ENG 202 0 to 21
OTULMUF - Integral OTUs lamp fault indications
ENG 202 0 Not Used
ENG 202 1 Lamp faults on RLM group 0 (see below for format)
ENG 202 2 Lamp faults on RLM group 1
... ... . .... ...... .. ... ..... .
... ... . .... ...... .. ... ..... .
ENG 202 8 Lamp faults on RLM group 7
ENG 202 9 Any red lamp failure (if 1)
ENG 202 10 Any lamp failure (if 1)
ENG 202 11-21 Binary inverse of the previous 11.
Lamp faults format:
X - Not Used
RL1 - 1st Red Lamp failure within this group
RL2 - 2nd Red Lamp failure within this group
LF1 - Any lamp failure within this group
Note: This command can still be entered even if no Integral OTU is fitted or one
is connected but has failed but will obviously not return the correct values.
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