4. Summary
4 Summary
The security module is designed for using it in an automation network in order to protect the network from data theft and manipulation as well as attacks from the external network. The reliability of the network is of first priority, the aspect of security follows right after. Furthermore, the device needs to be easy to configure. These basic assumptions are reflected in the standard settings.
The security module performs excellent under these assumptions. The module provides sufficient protection for most applications, although some weaknesses need to be accepted because of reliability. The module is easy to install and to configure such that
Altogether, we conclude that the security module reaches the high security targets. The configuration is extremely easy so that the network can be securely configured with a few settings. False settings are hardly ever possible. The automation branch requires extremely robust components so that concessions were made. On the other side the device allows setting up an all around secure network according to the current state of knowledge. A robust case rounds off the picture.
escrypt GmbH | 17 |