WA_DEV_W218_PTS_002 Rev 005 Page 54 of 109
Product Technical Specification &
Customer Design Guidelines
Figure 17. Example of MIC Input Single-Ended connection w ith LC Filter
*Z2 is from 200Hz to 4kHz. For more characteristics refer to the Electrical Characteristics section.
Note that:
Internal input impedance value becomes 1100, due to the connection of the other end to
The single ended design is very sensitive to TDMA noise.
It is recommended to add L1 and C2 footprint as an LC filter to try to eliminate TDMA noise.
A very good grounding on the MIC is a must in order to ensure good audio performance
against TDMA. Also, special care on the PCB layout must be taken.
When not used, the filter can be removed by replacing L1 with a 0 resistor and by
disconnecting C2, as shown in the following schematic.