
This is a menu set for SMPlayer program.

Click ‘Menu [] ‘in the panel or right mouse button in the window..

￿Always Top Window

Set the TV screen always on top.

￿Show Window frame

Show or hides the TV window frame

￿Window ratio

Select a display mode (full, wide, standard)

￿Aspect ratio mode

Set the aspect ratio of TV screen (16:9 / 4:3 / 1:1)


Watch the background window as the TV screen.

￿Arrange Window position

Arrange the TV screen size and position by resolutions.


Set or release the sleep function

￿Still capture Save as a still image.


Save as a video file

￿Channel Window

Show or hide the Channel window that can be memorized or deleted.

￿Multi Screen

The TV screen is devided into multi screen and shows in serial.


Set the configuration such as volume, screen resolution and sub-channel.


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Image 20
Sigma HDTV5 Menu, Always Top Window, Show Window frame, Window ratio, Aspect ratio mode, Desktop, Arrange Window position