Problem: I am installing a parallel port(s) and my system freezes up when Windows tries to install the driver for my printer port.
Solution: Enter your system bios, set the onboard parallel port I/O address to 278h, save and exit. In certain systems, the address 278h is reserved for ISA boards. So when the PCI parallel port tries to capture this address, your system gets confused and freezes up.
Problem: I am installing serial port(s) and these ports show up without COM port assignment or they show up as COM5 and COM6 instead of conventional COM3 and COM4.
Solution: Enter your system bios, under Peripherals Configuration, set the first onboard serial port to 03F8, IRQ 4 instead of AUTO. Set the second onboard serial port to 02F8, IRQ3 instead of AUTO, if applicable. Also, under PnP or PCI Configuration, turn Off or disable PnP OS.
Problem: I have an Intel Celeron system, and when I install a serial port, it gets assigned to COM5 or above. My serial device only works from COM1 to COM4.
Solution: Please visit our web site at WWW.SIIG.COM, go to Driver Update page, and download an appropriate driver for your Intel Celeron system.
For more troubleshooting tips and driver updates, please visit our web site at WWW.SIIG.COM and go to Online Support or Driver