7. Additional Demo Example
In addition to the F321DC_FeaturesDemo example firmware, the ToolStick download package also includes a demo project named F321DC_HIDMouse.wsp. The instructions for running this demo can be found at the top of the source file. The project and source files for these demos can be found in the folder, C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Firmware\.
8. Using the C8051F321 Daughter Card as a Development Platform
The prototyping area on the ToolStick C8051F321 Daughter Card makes it easy to interface to external hardware. All of the digital I/O pins are available so it possible to create a complete system.
8.1. C8051F321 Pin Connections
It is important to note that if external hardware is being added, some of the existing components on the board can interfere with the signaling. The following is a list of port pins on the C8051F321 that are connected to other components:
8.2. C2 Pin Sharing
On the C8051F321, the debug pins, C2CK, and C2D, are shared with the pins /RST and P3.0 respectively. The daughter card includes the resistors necessary to enable pin sharing which allow the /RST and P3.0 pins to be used normally while simultaneously debugging the device. See "AN124: Pin Sharing Techniques for the C2 Interface" at www.silabs.com for more information regarding pin sharing.
9. Information Locations
Example source code is installed by default in the C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Firmware directory during ToolStick installation.
Documentation for the ToolStick kit, including this User's Guide, can be found by default in the
C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\Documentation and C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Documentation directories.
The installer for the ToolStick software is available at www.silabs.com/toolstick.
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