





B roken B elts (if A pplicable)

R eplace B elts


Im proper B elt T ension (if



A pplicable)

A djust B elt T ension

N o P ressure

C logged Inlet W ater F ilter

C lean or R eplace W ater Inlet F ilter


C logged N ozzle

C lean D ebris from N ozzle





W orn or Incorrect N ozzle

R eplace N ozzle w ith C orrect S ize


Im proper B elt T ension (if


Low P ressure

A pplicable

A djust B elt T ension

Im proper E ngine R .P .M .

C onsult S ervice C enter



C heck W ater S upply and C lean


Inadequate W ater S upply

Inlet F ilter






C heck W ater S upply and Inlet


Inadequate W ater S upply

W ater F ilter

P ulsation or H oses V ibrating

P artially C logged N ozzle

C lean or R eplace N ozzle

D ebris in P um p V alves

C onsult S ervice C enter


Incorrect N ozzle S ize

Install C orrect S ize N ozzle




W ater Leaking U nder P um p

W orn P lunger S eals

C onsult S ervice C enter

W orn or D am aged P lungers

C onsult S ervice C enter


P um p R unning D ry

C heck W ater S upply




W ater in P um p O il

W orn P um p S eals

C onsult S ervice C enter

W orn or D am aged P lungers

C onsult S ervice C enter


C ondensation in P um p C rankcase

C hange O il





O il Level T oo H igh

D rain O il and F ill to P roper level



D rain O il and F ill w ith C orrect O il

P um p O il Leak

W rong O il T ype

S im pson 30 W T N on -D etergent

O perating on U nlevel S urface

M ove T o Level S urface


T ire P ressure T oo Low or F lat

Inflate T ire or R epair Leak




R ecoil S tarter H ard to P ull

P ressure B uilt up in S ystem

P ull T rigger w hile S tarting U nit




E ngine D ies W hen T rigger is

U nloader V alve is B roken or


R eleased

M isadjusted

C onsult S ervice C enter





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Image 11
Simpson PS3000 manual 6.0Troubleshooting, Problem, Probable Cause, Solution