Managing Songs and Playlists
This section explains how to manage, organize, and play your songs.
You can transfer songs into My Sirius Studio from directories on your PC as well as from My Sirius Studio to
the S50. You can also create and store playlists in My Sirius Studio as well as in the S50. Playlists help
organize your songs.
All songs imported into My Sirius Studio are copied into a location called “my library.” This is true even if you
create a playlist and drag songs directly to that playlist; the songs are still stored in “my library.” Playlists are
a convenient means of separating your songs into different categories, whereas my library contains all of
your songs in a single place.
Note: The S50 is capable of playing MP3 (64 kbps, 96 kbps, 128 kbps, 384 kbps) and unrestricted WMA
audio files as well as Sirius Satellite Radio content (proprietary format). WMA DRMx content may appear in
“my library”; however, the S50 will not be able to play this file format.