Erase Programmed Panic Transmitters / Alarm Panels / Sensors
You may erase the programmed wireless devices, panic transmitter, alarm
panels and wireless sensors. You cannot erase a specific device, you must
erase all the devices and then program the ones that you would like to keep.
To erase all the wireless devices, follow the instructions below.
1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then
press [PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in
programming mode.
2. Enter [6] to erase programmed devices. Display shows [P6 ErASE].
3 Press [ ] to erase all programmed devices.
4. You have erased all the devices if you hear 2 beeps.
Dial Sequence
As mentioned, there is a Redial Count for each phone number, that means
when the dialed phone number is busy or cannot be connected, the Dial
Alert will dial the number again, or dial another phone number. You may
program it so it will finish dialing one phone number with all redial counts.
Example: There are 3 programmed phone numbers and the redial count for
these 3 phone numbers are all 2 times.
Factory default Dial Sequence: Dial each phone number once, then dial
each phone number the second time in the same sequence.
i.e. Phone #1, Phone #2, Phone #3, Phone #1, Phone #2, Phone #3.
Universal Dial Tone
You may setup the Dial Alert to dial only a proper dial tone if it is detected. If
no dial tone is detected, it will not dial. As there are many different dial
tones with different telephone systems or the tone is different in different
parts of the country, you may set it up so that the Dial Alert will dial no
matter what type of dial tone is detected. To enable a universal dial tone,
follow the instructions below.
1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then
press [PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in
programming mode.
2. Enter [*], then [1], display will show [P*1 2]
Changing Password
Password is required for programming purposes. Factory default is 0000.
To change the setting, follow the instructions below.
1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then
press [PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in
programming mode.
2. Enter [2] to change password. Display now shows [nPIn], that means
New PIN.
3. Enter the new 4-digit password.
4. Display now shows [rPIn] meaning re-enter the new pin. Enter the new
4-digit password again.
5. If the new password is accepted, it will emit 2 beeps. If you don’t hear 2
beeps, that means the password is not accepted, retry again.
Calling Time
The Calling Time is how long the phone will ring before it is disconnected.
If the recipient does not pick up the phone after this time period, Dial Alert
will disconnect and redial. The factory default calling time is 45 seconds.
To change the setting follow the instructions below.
1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then press
[PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in programming mode.
2. Enter [7] to change the calling time. Display now shows [P7 2], the
most right digit represents the calling time setting. Refer to the table
below for the calling time setting.
1 - 30 seconds
2 - 45 seconds
3 - 60 seconds
4 - 75 seconds
5 - 90 seconds
3. Enter the desired value based on the table below. For example, enter [5]
to set the calling time to 90 seconds.
4. If the new setting is accepted, it will emit 2 beeps. If you don’t hear 2
beeps, that means the setting is not accepted, retry again.