OPERATIONS1. To stop the call from calling a specific phone number.
Since there is a redial count and regardless of whether the call is picked
up or not, it will redial based on the redial counts. If the redial count is set
to 3 times, that means it will call that phone number 3 times. If the
recipient acknowledges the call and does not want it to call the same
number again, he / she can enter [#]. This will stop the Dial Alert from
calling this same phone number again and it will dial the rest of the other
programmed phone numbers.
2. To stop the call from calling all phone numbers.
Usually you will setup the Dial Alert to call yourself (the home owner) as
the first phone number. It is likely that if you acknowledge the call, you do
not need to call the rest of the phone numbers. If so, you can enter the 4-
digit password so the Dial Alert will not dial any other phone number and
return to standby mode.
When the display shows “rEAdy”, that means the unit is in standby mode.
It will dial when it receives a panic signal from the alarm panel, or its own
panic button is pressed.
It will dial the programmed phone numbers and playback the voice
It is not necessary to put the AD-105 in arm mode. Once the display
shows “rEAdy”, the AD-105 will respond if it receives a command to dial out.
Sensor Mode
When the AD-105 operates in Sensor Mode, it needs to be armed in order
to respond to a sensor signal. When the AD-105 is not armed, it will not
respond to any sensor activation, except when the triggering devices are a
panic transmitter, or a panic button from a wireless keypad or a panic
button from a 4-button remote control. AD-105 will respond to a panic signal
even it is not armed.
To arm the AD-105:
1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then
press [ ].
2. Arm red LED will be on indicating it is on.
3. Depends on whether the Exit delay is set, if so, display will show
“dELAy” flashing and beeping during the exit delay period. If exit delay is
not set, the arm LED will be on and display shows “rEAdy” meaning there
is no exit delay. Alarm will be activated immediately if a sensor is triggered.
4. Once the AD-105 is armed, it will respond to a sensor activation.
When the dialer is activated, it will call the pre-programmed phone
numbers and playback the selected messages.
The recipient can take the following actions after listening to the voice