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SMART Board, Not ebook and the SM ART logo are trad emarks of SMAR T Technologies Inc . Windows is eit her a
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© 2006-2007 S MART Technologies I nc. All rights reserved. No p art of this pub lication may be re produced,
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Portions of the s oftware that s hips with this pr oduct are copyri ghted by Intel Cor poration.
Portions of the s oftware that s hips with this pr oduct are copyri ghted by ParaGraph , a business un it of Vadem.
U.S. Patent Nos. 5,448,263; 6,141,000; 6,326,954; 6 ,337,681; 6,741,267 and 6,747,636. Canadia n Patent No. 2,05 8,219.
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Printed in Canada 2/2007