SMART Board Software 9.5 Administration 3
Examples of Msiexec Command LinesSilent Installation
You can use the install option (/i) together with the quiet optional parameter (/q) to install the
software in Silent mode, that is, without the user interface. For example:
msiexec /i"Path to .msi\SMART Board Software.msi" /q
You can use other standard Windows Installer optional parameters, such as:
/qb - shows only a progress indicator
/q - shows only a dialog box signaling the end of the installation
• A silent installation doesn’t start the Language Setup.exe language pack installation program
or the SMART Essentials for Educators.msi installation package. The installation program
installs only SMART Board software files, including Gallery Sampler files.
• A silent installation using the /q option may take several minutes, with no indication of activity
or completion.
Silent Patching
You can use the patch option (/p) together with the quiet optional parameter (/q) to install a
software patch in Silent mode. For example:
msiexec /p"Path to the .msp\PatchPackage Name.msp" /q
NOTE: You may be required to use additional properties in the patch command. Refer to
documentation supplied with the patch package for details.
Silent Removal
You can use the uninstall option (/x) together with the quiet optional parameter (/q) to remove the
software in Silent mode. For example:
msiexec /x"Path to .msi\SMART Board Software.msi" /q
• If you want to silently remove all components of SMART Board software, including language
packs, you must remove the language packs first. See page 10.
• A silent removal using the /q option may take several minutes, with no indication of activity or