10 Using the ID250
Press the Left-Click button and then press the tip of the tethered pen on the interactive screen to
activate an object. To double-click, press twice with the pen. To drag an object, press and hold it
with the tip of the pen, and drag it to its new location.
The ID250’s Status indicator glows blue when the pen touches the screen.
When you press the Right-Click pen tool button, the next contact with the interactive screen is
interpreted as a right-click.
When the SMART Board tools are running on a connected computer, you can use the ID250’s
Digital Ink pen tool buttons to create notes over any computer application.
To create notes, press one of the Digital Ink pen tool buttons, and write or draw on the screen, just
as you would write or draw on paper. As you do so, a stream of digital ink follows your finger or the
tethered pen.
NOTE: You can write notes over computer applications only if the SMART Board tools are running
on the computer. You’ll know the SMART Board tools are running if you can see the SMART Board
icon in the system tray or the Dock.
When you write over an application, you can save the note. However, the available save options
depend on whether that program is Aware (sometimes referred to as Ink Aware). An Aware
application recognizes a note as a program component, but a non-Aware application doesn’t.
NOTE: If you’re using the Windows version of SMART Board software, you can access a complete
list of Aware applications by selecting Control Panel in the SMART Board tools, and then selecting
Ink Aware Application Settings.
To save your note as part of the file in an Aware application, save the file as you normally would. In
some Windows applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, you can select additional toolbar
options, such as saving your note into a Notebook file or saving your note as text.
If your ID250 is connected to a Windows computer, you can capture your note and the application
background, and then you can save them into a Notebook file for both Aware and non-Aware
applications. For information on capturing notes, refer to the SMART Board software online Help.
If the pointer doesn’t appear directly under the tip of the tethered pen, orient the
interactive pen display to improve the accuracy (page5).
Right-ClickingWriting on the Screen and Saving Your NotesTIP
You can change the properties of the digital ink, including its color, line thickness,
line style and transparency. For more information, refer to the SMART Board
software online Help.