99-00666-20 B0 Customizing the Slate 43
5. Select your mouse settings.
6. Click OK.
The SMART Board Settings dialog box closes.
7. Close the SMART Board software control panel.
Setting Function
Double-Click Zone Double-Click Zone allows you to set a greater margin of
error when double-clicking. When you select a large
Double-Click Zone, you don’t have to tap the tethered
pen twice in exactly the same place.
Enable Mouse Assist Mouse Assist makes it easier to move the pointer to
commonly used buttons and toolbars, such as
close buttons and scroll bar buttons .
Enable Hover Enable Hover allows you to move the pointer on your
display and engage the side switch without touching the
slate. See page 28 for more information.
Enable Touch and Hold Touch and Hold is another way to right-click. Press and
hold the tethered pen on the workspace to right-click.
Enable Pop-up Messages Pop-up Messages appear in your Internet browser if
you select this option; otherwise, they are blocked.
This is not a mouse-specific setting.
If you clear this check box to prevent pop-up
message disruptions during a lesson or presentation,
it’s a good idea to select it again when you’re done,
because pop-up messages are often important and
You can also configure pop-up message settings in
your operating system software.