Configuring the Switch



Configuring AAA RADIUS Group Settings

The AAA RADIUS Group Settings screen defines the configured RADIUS servers to
use for accounting and authorization.
Command Attributes
Group Name - Defines a name for the RADIUS server group. (1-255 characters)
Server Index - Specifies the RADIUS server and sequence to use for the group.
(Range: 1-5)
When specifying the index for a RADIUS sever, the server index must already be
defined (see "Configuring Local/Remote Logon Authentication" on page 3-56).
Web – Click Security, AAA, Radius Group Settings. Enter the RADIUS group name,
followed by the number of the server, then click Add.
Figure 3-36 AAA Radius Group Settings
CLI – Specify the group name for a list of RADIUS servers, and then specify the
index number of a RADIUS server to add it to the group.
Console(config)#aaa group server radius tps-radius 4-90
Console(config-sg-radius)#server 1 4-91
Console(config-sg-radius)#server 2