Basic Configuration


Web –Click System, File Management, Copy Operation. Select “tftp to file” as the file
transfer method, enter the IP address of the TFTP server, set the file type to
“opcode,” enter the file name of the software to download, select a file on the switch
to overwrite or specify a new file name, then click Apply. If you replaced the current
firmware used for startup and want to start using the new operation code, reboot the
system via the System/Reset menu.
Figure 3-9 Copy Firmware
If you download to a new destination file, go to the System/File/Set Start-Up menu,
mark the operation code file used at startup, and click Apply. To start the new
firmware, reboot the system via the System/Reset menu.
Figure 3-10 Setting the Startup Code
To delete a file select System, File, Delete. Select the file name from the given list by
checking the tick box and click Apply. Note that the file currently designated as the
startup code cannot be deleted.
Figure 3-11 Deleting Files