Egkatastash - O aporrofhthraV prepei na ecei mia elacisth apostash apo thn epifaneia yhsimatoV 60 cm,se periptwshkouzineVhlektrikeV kai75cmseperiptwshkouzineV

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O aporrofhthraV mporei na egkatastaqei ston toico h sth bash enoV ntoulapiou, ean prouparcei,crhsimopoihse ton odhgo H na anoixeiV opeV sthn kanonikh apostash, diaforetika akoumphse ton aporrofhthra sto toicwma h sthn bash tou ntoulapiou kai shmeiwse me ena molubi tiV opeV pou prepei na anoixeiV.

Staqeropoihsh sto toicwma - Eishgage ta oupa toicou

J stiV anoigmeneV opeV kai duo bideV K stiV anwtereV opeV, afairese thn skara kai gantzwse ton aporrofhthra stiV 2 bideV kai telika apo to eswteriko eishgage thn trith bida L kaibidwseteVoleV.

Staqeropoihsh sto ntoulapi

Staqeropoihse ton aporrofhthra me 4 bideV M apo to eswteriko tou ntoulapiou.

O aporrofhthraV kataskeuasthke me mia exodo aera anwterh B1kai me mia kata zhthsh opisqia exodo B2* gia thn exagwgh twn kapnwn proV to exwteriko periballon..

Kane thn idanikh epilogh kai efarmose thn flantza C pou corhghtai,kleise panta thn oph pou den crhsimopoihtai me thn tapa D* pou corhghtai, ean problepetai.

Prosoch se orismena montela h opisqia oph exagwghV den einai ameswV eucrhsth, akoma kai an bgaloume thn tapa (ean ecei montaristei),sauth thn periptwsh afairese to plastiko kommati E1 h E2 pou emfrassei thn oph suromeno, bohqoumenoimemialabidahmeenakofth.ElegceanodiakopthV epiloghV aporrofhshV/filtrarismatoV (sto eswteriko tou aporrofhthra) G einai sth qesh aporrofhshV (A).Se periptwsh pou einai adunath h exagwgh twn kapnwn kai twn atmwn tou yhsimatoV proV to exwteriko periballon,mporei na crhsimopoihqei o aporrofhthraV tupou filtrarismatoV montarontaVena filtro apo anqraka,oi kapnoi kai oi atmoi anakuklwnontai dia mesou thV mprostinhV skaraV pou ecei topoqethqei epanw apo ton pinaka entolwn.Elegce an o diakopthV epiloghV aporrofhshV/ filtrarismatoV einai sth qesh filtrarismatoV(F). Ta montela cwriV kinhthra aporrofhshV leitourgoun mono se tupo aporrofhshV kai prepei na sundeqoun se mia periferiakh monada aporrofhshV (den parecetai). Hlektrikh sundesh - H tash tou diktuou prepei na antistoicei sthn tash pou anaferetai sthn carakthristikh etiketa pou brisketai sto eswteriko tou aporrofhthra.Ean prouparcei to fiV sundese ton aporrofhthra se mia priza sumfwnhmetouViscuonteVkanwneVtopoqethmenhseeucrhsth perioch.

Ean den prouparcei to fiV (amesh sundesh me to diktuo ) efarmose ena dipoliko diakopth nomimo me mia apostash metaxu twn epafwn sto anoigma oci mikroterh apo 3mm.

Leitourgeia - O pinakaV elegcou ecei topoqethqei sthn dexia metwpikhpleurakaieceiexoplisqeiapoperissotereVdunameiV aporrofhshV.Crhsimopoihse thn megisth dunamh aporrofhshV se periptwsh carakthristikhV sugkentrw- shV atmwn mageirematoV.Anoixe panta ton sullekth atmwn


Sumbouleuoumai na teqei se leitourgia h aporrofhsh 5 lepta prin na xekinhsei to mageireuma kai na afeqei se leitourgia meta apo to teloV tou mageirematoV akoma gia 15 lepta peripou

Kaqarisma - oaporrofhthraV prepei na kaqarizetai sucna eswterika kai exwterika.

Gia ton kaqarismo crhsimopoihse bregmeno pani me kaqaristiko oinopneuma h me oudeteroa ugra aporrupantika .Apofeuge proionta pou prokaloun katastrofeV.

H mh thrhsh twn kanonwn kaqarismou tou aporrofhthra kai thV antikatastashV kai kaqarismou twn filtrwn apoferei kindunouV purkagiaV.

Sunthrhsh - Prin apo kaqe sunthrhsh aposundese ton aporrofhthra apo to reuma.

Filtrolipwn-mporeinaeinaienaVapotouVakolouqouVtupouV To filtro apo carti prepei na antikatasthtai mia fora ton mhna h an einai crwmatismeno sthn epanw pleura otan o

crwmatismoV diafenetai apo tiV opeV thV skaraV.

To filtro apo sfouggari prepei na plenetai mia fora ton mhna kai na antikatasthtai meta apo 5/6 plusimata.

To metalliko filtro prepei na kaqarizetai mia fora ton mhna me idanika aporrupantika sto ceri h sto plunthrio piatwn (65°C).

Gia na fqaseiV sto filtro lipwn anoixe thn skara dia meso twn gantzwn R kai na to eleuqerwseiV apo tiV asfaleieV R1h


To autometajeromeno metalliko jiltro den ecei scara

uposthrigmatos,gia na to metakinhseis trabhxe to elathrio xegantzwmatos P4 pros ta pisw kai bgale to filtro metakinoumeno pros ta katw.

Prosoch! ean pluqei sto plunthrio piatwn to metalliko filtro mporei na allaxei crwma alla h dikh tou ikanothta filtrarismatos paramenei ametableth.

Filtro apo anqraka - mpo rei na einai enaV apo touV akolouqouV tupouV:

Orqogwnio S1 h S2 h S3 : Antikatasthse kaqe 6 mhneV

Montarisma (S1 h S2):Eishgage thn opisqeia pleura T kai gantzwse to emprosqen (U)

Montarisma (S3): metakinhse to kapaki W gurizontas kata 90° ta ceroulia O.

Bale to strwmataki anqraka mesa ston eidiko cwro kai staqeropoihse to gurizontas kata 90° to cerouli O, xanakleise to kapaki.

Energhse kata thn antiqeth fora gia thn aposunarmologhsh

Kukliko (V1-V2-V3-diafora montela): antikatasthse kaqe 4 mhneV

Asfalish tupou xifologchV topoqethseto sto kentro

san skepasma thV skaraV pou profulassei ton kinhthra me epimeleia wste ta anaforika shmeia C1 h C2 h C3 sto filtro anqraka na antistoicoun me ta anaforika shmeia U1 h U2 tou sullekth,metagurisetosewrologiakhfora.Seperiptwsh aposunarmologhshV gurise se antiwrologiakh fora .An periecei thn glwssa Z qumhsou prwta na thn anashkwseiV elafra.

Antikatastash thV lampaV

Xebidwse thn katastramenh lampa kai antikatasthse thn me thn nea lampa max 40WE14.Afairese thn skara gia na fqaseiV sthn upodoch thV lampaV.

Antikatastash lampas alogonou - Phgaine sto cwro

opou brisketai h lampa - bgale to prostateutiko kalumma kanontas moclo me ena platu mikro katsabidi h me omoio ergaleio. Prosoch! Prin aggixeis tis lampes bebaiwsou oti einai krues.

Antikatasthse thn katastrammenh lampa. Crhsimopoihse mono lampes alogones twn 20W to megisto (G4) prosecontas na mhn tis aggixeisme ta ceria. Xanakleise to prostateutiko kalumma (staqeropoihsh me klik). ProeidopoihseiV

Mhn crhsimopoieiV pote ton aporrofhthra an den ecei montarisqei orqa h skara O aeraV pou aporrofate den prepei na katalhgei se agwgo pou crhsimopoihtai gia thn exagwgh kapnwn apo suskeueV pou trofodotountai apo energeia diaforetikh apo thn hlektrikh.Prepei panta na problepetai enaV kanonikoV aerismoV tou cwrou otan enaV aporrofhthraV kai suskeueV pou trofodotountai apo energeia diaforetikh apo hlektrikh crhsimopoiountai sugcronwV Apagoreuete austhra to yhsimo trofwn me tiV flogeV katw apo ton aporrofhthra.H crhsh eleuqerhV flogaV einai katastreptikh sta filtra kai mporei na prokalesei purkagieV,giauto prepei na apofeugetai se kaqe periptwsh.To thganisma prepei na ginetai katw apo suneceV elegco wste to uperqermo ladi na mhn parei fwtia.Gia tecnikouV logouV kai gia logouV asfaleiaV prepei gia thn exagwgh twn kapnwn na akolouqeite oti problepetai apo touV kanonismouV tiV topikhV

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Smeg KSEC70X manual

KSEC70X specifications

The Smeg KSEC70X is an exemplary kitchen appliance that combines functionality with stylish Italian design. This sleek stainless-steel appliance is not just a kettle; it represents a perfect blend of modern technology and aesthetic appeal, making it a desirable addition to any kitchen.

One of the main features of the Smeg KSEC70X is its impressive capacity. With a 1.7-liter water capacity, it is capable of serving multiple cups of tea or coffee in one go. This is particularly advantageous for families or for entertaining guests. The kettle features a powerful 2400-watt heating element, which ensures rapid boiling of water, considerably speeding up the tea-making or cooking process so you can enjoy your hot beverages without delay.

The design of the KSEC70X is both functional and visually appealing. It showcases Smeg's iconic retro style, characterized by its rounded lines and vibrant colors. The kettle comes with a removable and washable limescale filter that helps maintain the purity of water. Additionally, the 360-degree swivel base allows for convenient placement and use from any angle, making it easy to handle for both left-handed and right-handed users.

Safety is a priority with the Smeg KSEC70X. It comes equipped with an automatic shut-off feature that activates when the water reaches its boiling point or if the kettle is lifted from the base. The design also incorporates a non-slip grip on the handle to ensure secure handling while pouring.

Another highlight of the KSEC70X is its advanced technologies. The kettle features an efficient wireless operation that allows for easy handling and movement without being tethered by a cord. The stylish indicator light not only adds to the aesthetic value but also serves as a notification when the kettle is operational.

Furthermore, the Smeg KSEC70X is constructed from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring longevity and easy maintenance. Its sleek finish is not only attractive but also proves to be resistant to fingerprints, making it easier to keep clean. Overall, the Smeg KSEC70X stands out in the realm of kettles with its impressive features, technological advancements, and elegant design, making it a worthwhile investment for both style and utility in the kitchen.