Smeg SE32CX manual Warnings

Models: SE32CX

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foracorrectuse,pleaselookatfig.2andremind: - Switch on the electricity only after having placedthepotonthecookingzone.

- Usepotsandpanswithflatsolidbottoms.

- Use pots with the same diameter of the cooking zones.

- Dry the bottom of the pot before put in on the cookingzones.

- Do not scrape the pot against the glass so to notdamageit.

- During the use of the cooking zones, please, keep the children away from the hot plates.

Make sure that the handles of the pots are placed in the right way towards the interior. Be aware that overheated fats and oils may becomeinflamed.

- Cooking zones after using remain warm; don’t leave objects, don’t lean your hands so to avoid burns,tilltheindicatorlightisoff.

- If the glass cracks, please, disconnect the appliance.

- Don’tuseplasticpotsoralluminiumsheets. - Don’tusehobasasupplementarysurface.

FIG. 2


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Smeg SE32CX manual Warnings