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TARGET HEART RATE PROGRAM: This program automatically modifies the speed and incline to
maintain a preset target heart rate. This target is established in the setup process. The chart on this owner’s
manual can be used to determine the appropriate target heart rate. To set up the target heart rate program, you
will need to enter the workout time, your age, and your target heart rate.
WIRELESS HEART RATE CHEST STRAP: The most accurate way to read your heart rate is by using a
wireless heart rate transmitter. Prior to wearing the strap, moisten the two contact pads with several drops of
water and spread the water over the pads with your finger. When you put on the strap, center the transmitter
strap just below the breast or pectoral muscles, directly over your sternum. Adjust the elastic strap so the belt
fits snugly and stays in place.
Body Mass Program:
Body Mass Index BMI: A scientific measure that uses a ratio of height and weight. It is a general measure
of health risk, but does not take into account lean body mass. As a result, a healthy muscular individual with
very low body fat can be classified as overweight. The following are general ranges of BMI measurements:
Below 20
Lean – if you are not athletic, you should consult your Physician
regarding the fitness plan that best suits your needs
Between 21 and 24
Ideal – indicates a healthy amount of body fat.
Between 25 and 29
Slightly Overweight –You should find ways to reduce your weight
through diet and exercise.
Over 30
Overweight – May indicate an unhealthy condition You should
consult your Physician regarding the fitness plan that best suits your
Note: BMI is based off a fixed scale and may not consider every variable of your physical condition.