www.smoothfitness.com 21
Computer Operation
Programs Setup and Selection
1. Select Program: To start a program, simply select the desired program by pressing on either the
buttons and then pressing the “MODE” button.
2. Select Level: Select the desired level (L1-L3) by pressing on either the buttons and
then pressing the “MODE” button.
3. Set Time: Now choose how long you would like to workout by pressing either set of
arrows. Each time you push the button, the workout time will change
by one minute. You can also hold these buttons down to quickly scroll through the time. The
shortest preset program time is 12 minutes and the longest is 99 minutes.
4. Press Start: Once the desired time is selected, push the “Quick Start” button to begin your
User Setup Programs
1. Select Program: Use either set of arrows to scroll through the programs until you
reach USER 1 or USER 2 and press the “MODE” button.
2. Set Time: Choose how long you would like to workout by pressing either set of and
press the “MODE” button.
3. Enter Segment Speed and Incline: each program is divided into 12 equal segments. Select the
desired speed for each segment by pressing on the buttons, then select the desired
incline for each segment by pressing on the arrows. After selecting the incline and
speed for the segment, press the “MODE” button and make the selection for the next segment until
all 10 segments are completed. Press the “Start” button to begin the workout.
4. Editing a User Setup Program: To edit the program, scroll to either “USER 1” or “USER 2”
programs and press the “MODE” button. Make the desired changes to the program and press
“MODE” at the end of each segment. Press the “Start” button once completed.
Target Heart Rate Program Setup
1. Select Program: Use either arrow to scroll through the programs until “HRC” is
shown on the center display, then press the “MODE” button.
2. Select Age: Use either arrow to enter the user age, then press the “MODE” button.
3. Set Target Heart Rate: Use either arrow to set the target heart rate, then press
“MODE.” After a warm-up period, the program will automatically adjust the speed to maintain the
Target Heart Rate (Range from 60-180 bpm).
4. Set Target Max Speed: Use either arrow to set the target max speed. The speed will
not increase over the max speed even though pulse has not reached target heart rate yet.
5. Enter Program Time: Use either arrow to enter the program workout time, then
press the “Start” button.