| USB Hub with Integrated 10/100 Ethernet Controller |
| Datasheet |
| Table 3.12 EEPROM Example - 256 Byte EEPROM (continued) | |
48h | FF | Class Code |
49h | 00 | Subclass Code |
4Ah | FF | Protocol Code |
4Bh | 40 | Maximum Packet Size for Endpoint 0 |
24 04 | Vendor ID (0424h) | |
00 EC | Product ID (EC00h) | |
00 01 | Device Release Number (0100h) | |
52h | 01 | Index of Manufacturer String Descriptor |
53h | 00 | Index of Product String Descriptor |
54h | 00 | Index of Serial Number String Descriptor |
55h | 01 | Number of Possible Configurations |
56h | 09 | Size of |
57h | 02 | Descriptor Type (Configuration Descriptor - 02h) |
27 00 | Total length in bytes of data returned (0027h = 39 bytes) | |
5Ah | 01 | Number of Interfaces |
5Bh | 01 | Value to use as an argument to select this configuration |
5Ch | 00 | Index of String Descriptor describing this configuration |
5Dh | E0 | Self powered and remote wakeup enabled |
5Eh | 01 | Maximum Power Consumption is 2 mA |
5Fh | 09 | Size of Descriptor in Bytes (9 Bytes) |
60h | 04 | Descriptor Type (Interface Descriptor - 04h) |
61h | 00 | Number identifying this Interface |
62h | 00 | Value used to select alternative setting |
63h | 03 | Number of Endpoints used for this interface (Less endpoint 0) |
64h | FF | Class Code |
65h | 00 | Subclass Code |
66h | FF | Protocol Code |
67h | 00 | Index of String Descriptor Describing this interface |
68h | 12 | Size of |
69h | 01 | Descriptor Type (Device Descriptor - 01h) |
00 02 | USB Specification Number that the device complies with (0200h) | |
Revision 1.0 | 36 | SMSC LAN9512 |