PHOTO CAPTURE.................... | 46 | |
PHOTO COPY............................ | 48 | |
PHOTO MEDIA SET................. | 59 | |
Photos.............................. | 26, 30, 36 | |
PHOTO SETTINGS................... | 68 | |
Playing.................................... | 25, 35 | |
Playlist........................................... | 51 | |
PMB Guide.................................... | 2 | |
PORTRAIT.................................. | 81 | |
Power on....................................... | 19 | |
POWER ON BY LCD................. | 77 | |
Precautions................................... | 99 | |
PROTECT.................................... | 49 | |
R |
REC MODE................................. | 64 | |
Recording..................................... | 28 | |
Recording and playback time.... | 93 | |
Recording media......................... | 59 | |
Recording time of movies/ |
| |
number of recordable photos.... | 93 | |
REMAINING SET...................... | 67 | |
Repair............................................ | 85 | |
REPAIR IMG.DB F................ | 88, 90 | |
RESET............................................. | 8 | |
S |
SCENE SELECTION.................. | 81 | |
Screen indicators........................... | 8 | |
| ||
indicators...................................... | 89 | |
84 | ||
Shooting....................................... | 30 | |
Slide show..................................... | 41 | |
SLIDE SHOW SET...................... | 41 | |
SNOW.......................................... | 81 | |
SOUND/DISP SET..................... | 72 | |
SP................................................... | 64 | |
SPORTS........................................ | 81 | |
SPOT FOCUS.............................. | 79 | |
SPOTLIGHT................................ | 81 | |
SPOT METER............................. | 78 | |
SPOT MTR/FCS.......................... | 78 | |
STEADYSHOT............................ | 66 |
SUMMERTIME........................... | 75 |
SUNRISE&SUNSET................... | 81 |
Supplied items............................. | 13 |
T |
TELE MACRO............................ | 79 |
Telephoto...................................... | 32 |
Thumbnail.................................... | 44 |
Tripod............................................. | 7 |
Troubleshooting.......................... | 85 |
TV................................................. | 42 |
TV color systems......................... | 96 |
TV TYPE...................................... | 74 |
TWILIGHT.................................. | 81 |
U |
USB cable..................................... | 55 |
USB CONNECT.......................... | 55 |
V |
VBR............................................... | 94 |
VIEW IMAGES SET................... | 70 |
Viewing................................... | 26, 36 |
VISUAL INDEX.................... | 25, 35 |
Volume......................................... | 36 |
W |
Warning messages....................... | 91 |
WHITE BAL................................ | 82 |
WHITE FADER.......................... | 83 |
Wide angle................................... | 32 |
WIDE SELECT............................ | 65 |
Z |
Zoom...................................... | 32, 40 |
Contents of Table
Techniques Recording Useful