Sony DCR-SR48 manual Playing movies,  Open the LCD screen of your camcorder,  Press View Images

Models: DCR-SR48 DCR-SR67

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Playing movies

Open the LCD screen of your camcorder.

Your camcorder is turned on.

To turn on your camcorder when the LCD screen is already open, press POWER (p. 19).


The VISUAL INDEX screen appears after some seconds.

Touch the (Movie) tab () a desired movie ().



Searches for images by

Previous 6 images


date (p. 39)



Next 6 images



Returns to the







recording screen



: Displays the Film Roll Index screen (p. 38).

: Displays the Face Index screen (p. 38). : Displays movies.

: Displays photos.

appears with the movie or photo that was most recently played or recorded. If you touch the movie or photo with , you can continue playback from the previous time. (appears on the photo recorded on “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media.)

Table of Contents

Useful Recording Techniques



Page 25
Image 25
Sony DCR-SR48, DCR-SR67 manual Playing movies,  Open the LCD screen of your camcorder,  Press View Images