BAdditional information


This section provides information related to the most common problems encountered by users of this product and their solutions. Check the points listed here before contacting your dealer or an authorized service center. Also refer to the documentation of your computer.


If the internal battery needs charging or if an error occurs while using the unit, the four indicators and COPY button on the front of the unit show the current condition. For details on lighting patterns, see “Meaning of the indicators” (page 43).

Battery/power supply













The unit does not start.

c The internal battery may be depleted. Connect





the AC power adapter and charge the battery




(page 13).







The unit turns on briefly, but

c Even when the internal battery is fully charged,



then turns off again.

unit for a while, charge it before using the unit.


it gradually loses charge if the unit is not used




for an extended period of time, which can lead




to reduced operating time. If you do not use the




c When the unit is shipped, the internal battery is




not fully charged. It may therefore be empty by




the time you receive it.




c When using the unit on internal power at low




temperatures, usage time may be radically




reduced (page 13).




c The performance of the internal battery




gradually deteriorates, depending on the number




of times it is charged, usage time, and storage




period. Therefore, operating time may be




reduced even if the battery is fully charged. This




may mean that the battery needs to be replaced.




Contact your dealer or an authorized service




center regarding battery replacement.







The unit turns off unexpectedly.

c When the unit is used stand-alone, it turns off




automatically after remaining idle for five




minutes, whether operating on internal power or




through the AC power adapter. Restart the unit




(page 19).