Playing the Playlist

Select the recording media and the image quality you want to play a Playlist before the operation (p. 62).

Touch (MENU) 

[PLAYLIST] (under [PLAYBACK] category).

Movies added to the Playlist appear.

Touch the movie you want to play back.

The Playlist is played back from the selected movie to the end, then the screen returns to the Playlist screen.

To erase unnecessary movies from the Playlist


EDIT] (under [EDIT] category).

Touch [ERASE]/[ERASE].

To erase all the movies from the Playlist, touch [ERASE ALL]/[ERASE

ALL] [YES] [YES] .

Select the movie to be erased from the list.

The selected movie is marked with .


Press and hold the image down on the

LCD screen to confirm the image. Touch to return to the previous screen.

Touch [YES] .


Even if you erase a movie from a Playlist, the original movie is not erased.

To change the order within the Playlist


EDIT] (under [EDIT] category).

Touch [MOVE]/[MOVE]. Select the movie to be moved.

The selected movie is marked with .


Touch the image on the LCD screen to

confirm the image. Touch to return to the previous screen.

Touch .

Select the destination with /.

Destination bar

Touch [YES] .


When you select multiple movies, the movies are moved following the order appearing in the Playlist.

Contents of Table

Techniques Recording Useful
